Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Psychology and Social Situations Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Social Situations Essay Providing incentive for individuals to establish a carpool system or take the bus instead will motivate them to resort to these resolutions although it has been unsuccessful. The government and other organizations that campaign against overdependence on private vehicles which contribute to heavy traffic should not expect that simply asking the people to share rides and take buses in order to lessen the number of vehicles on the road will work. People should be given incentives in adhering to the requests of concerned organizations, such as free fare or transportation allowances for the people. Organizations and establishments concentrated on a specific location should grant employees with free rides on shuttles that will take them to and from work everyday. This allows individuals to understand that sharing rides and taking the buses will save them the fare and lessen inconveniences caused by heavy traffic. 2. From this particular situation, we may deduce the disparity of knowledge and competencies displayed by children. Individual differences also cause differences on the rate of performance within the classroom, such that there are those that excel and those who fail depending on the cognitive faculties. Assignments are provided by teachers not only to reinforce learning and introduce the succeeding lesson, but also to give children the chance to catch up and experience success through home-based activities that allow them to learn at their own pace. Children who are identified to be the lowest-achieving in class think about their chance of pulling up their grades by spending more time on their assignments and excelling through them. This is the same reason why excellent performers do not spend more time on their homework, because they already have experienced success within the classroom setting. 3. Providing rewards is a good way of motivating children and reinforcing learning. There are various forms of rewards that teachers will be able to use including tangible rewards. Although concrete objects are considered as rewards, they should be given in moderation. Teachers should look for other forms of rewards such as praises and commendations, exemptions from school work or activities, and other types of non-tangible rewards. The danger of utilizing concrete objects as rewards is that children will not be able to learn the value of maintaining desirable learning behavior in class. Every action that they take will depend on the presence of a tangible reward at all times. In this case, desirable learning behaviors are not reinforced and sustained throughout the learning process, and children will only choose to perform well and exhibit good behavior when they see that there will be tangible rewards made available for them after doing so. To address this situation, academic institutions should consider setting standards and guidelines on how teachers should provide rewards, stressing the need to lessen the use of concrete objects but rather utilizing non-tangible rewards that create emphasis on inherent changes and display on desirable learning behavior and excellent learning performances. B. Psychological Disorders 1. The classification of abnormal behavior stems from the need to appropriately determine the medical and professional methods and strategies that will be implemented in order to address problems associated with the variety of abnormal behavior. The classification system of abnormal behavior, particularly the DSM-IV established by the American Psychiatric Association or APA, is utilized in order to provide a clear illustration or image of the kind or type of behavior exhibited by an individual. The DSM-IV utilizes five axes that are utilized to categorize behavior, solidifying them into a profile that provides information on the dimensions of particular behaviors. Utilizing classification systems, such as DSM-IV, although convenient also has flaws or disadvantages, intensifying the difficulty of assessing and classifying behavior. For instance, since the DSM-IV utilizes five axes in categorizing behavior, it becomes a limited means of understanding the dynamics of behavior. Classifying behavior into five categories does not really border on reliability and validity since behavior will not always meet all the criteria of each category. 2. When one is diagnosed with psychological or mental disorders, this means that there is something nonstandard and uncharacteristic about an individual’s way of thinking and behavior. Having a disorder mean that an individual’s life, particularly his functioning, is influenced by its effects building problems and difficulties along the way. The diagnosis will point to possible causes, whether the disorder is caused by biological factors, environmental factors, and such, which affects one’s ability to work efficiently, socialize with other people or become integrated into society under normal circumstances, etc. After being diagnosed with a psychological or mental disorder, it will also mean that an individual will need to seek professional help in order to determine the root of the problem and disorder and identify possible solutions in order to resolve them. 3. Perhaps it is better to be wrongly diagnosed as having a mental disorder even if one actually does not than the other way around because in the process, the individual will still be able to disprove the diagnosis while medical professionals will have enough time to discover the wrongfulness of their diagnosis. One will not lose anything by being misdiagnosed as psychologically or mentally incapacitated, perhaps just time and effort in proving the misdiagnosis of medical professionals. On the other hand, if one is wrongly diagnosed as not having a mental disorder, he will miss the chance of being provided with professional help and assistance as to how he will be able to conquer the problems brought about by his psychological or mental disorder. After being diagnosed without mental disorders even if in fact, one is psychologically or mentally changed, it will not be treated properly fuelling the possibility of one’s illness or disorder getting worse, while at the same time, intensifying the effects that it might bring towards one life. Missing out on the chance of being treated will neglect â€Å"damage control† allowing the illness or disorder to intensify possibly leading to a state wherein medical professionals will not be able to provide and recommend treatment appropriately.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Neurobiology of a Disorder or

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Neurobiology of a Disorder or a Difference? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a phrase that has moved out of the realm of pure science or psychology and into common parlance. Like depression, the public has a general and vague sense of the "type" of person who may have ADHD, and has heard the name Ritalin, the main drug used in treatment, bandied about. As the name of the disorder implies, its symptoms present generally as "inattention and a combination of hyperactive and impulsive behaviors" (2). ADHD has only recently been able to be tangibly identified in the nervous system, and its' diagnostic criteria has continued to be revised. The discovery of specific physiological differences in the brain has enabled scientists to correlate the behavioral symptoms associated with ADHD with specific differences, mutations, or malfunctions in the brain. Though the scientific burden of proof cannot be ignored, the way in which we choose to define these differences as a "disorder" is debatable. Given both the scientific understanding of the sheer size of the nervous system and the more poetic notion of individuality, the neurobiological differences associated with ADHD are difficult to adequately define within the unlimited permutations of human personalities. The current official American criteria for diagnosing the condition of ADHD, according to the DSM-IV, is based on a child presenting at least six symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity-impulsivity, or both, that have persisted for at least six months (3). Additionally, some symptoms must have been present before seven years of age, and some type of social, academic or occupational impairment must result from these symp... ...//www.sciam.com/missing.cfm 3) DSM-IV diagnostic criteria http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis1/p21-ch01.html 4) fabulous paper by Bonnie Craymond linking ADHD and the creative personality http://borntoexplore.org/adhd.htm 5) article from "The Medical Post" by Harvey McConnell http://www.mentalhealth.com/mag1/p5m-add2.html 6) great graphic http://www.sciam.com/missing.cfm 7) pharmacology information on Ritalin http://www.mentalhealth.com/drug/p30-r03.html 8) list of myths and corrections about ADHD http://www.add.org/content/abc/myths.htm 9) article from "Time" by Claudia Wallis http://www.mentalhealth.com/mag1/p51-adhd.html 10)"Scientific American" article by Kristin Leutwyler http://www.mentalhealth.com/mag1/p51-adhd.html 11) part of Barkley article diagramming a psychological model of ADHD http://www.sciam.com/missing.cfm

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sex Trafficking

Comparative Review March 11, 2013 Thesis: Legalizing Prostitution will stop the spread of illicit Sex Trafficking. It seems like a normal day in her little village, until two shady men come and take her and all the young girls around the same age as her from their families. She is terrified and is scared of what may come next. The man repeatedly compliments her on her beauty and touches her silk soft skin. Crying only makes things worse and makes the man very angry. He hits them and calls them bad names as a punishment. Its been days since they took us, and has only given us little amounts of water to stay some what hydrated; and no food.This feeling is so surreal and this stuff actually does happen, beyond what people may think they know women and kids are being taken. In the article Enslaved in America by Tina Frundt it explains how typically Americans look the other way when they see prostitution but, neglect that these girls 50 percent of the time are forced into the Sex Traffick ing lifestyle. On the other hand Brenda Zurita’s article Legalization or harm reduction of prostitution and sexual trafficking writes about the government and the Sex trafficking laws says a different story.Sex Trafficking is illegal in the United States but why is there girls forced out of their homes and into this modern day slavery still occurring. In Bruce Kennedy’s Would legalizing prostitution help the US economy, it explains in simple terms how much one difference will create safer jobs and bring it much needed money to our economy. Which brings me to my next point; Prostitution should be legalized for those who want to retire in this way of life. It will have a positive effect on the economy bringing in billions in taxable income.In the increasing epidemic with Sex Trafficking; Tina Frundt, explains why this is truly a big issue worldwide. With this crime being unrecognized to a certain degree as it should in the shadows its really happening. The purpose of thi s article is to help understand the reasons â€Å"why. † Truthfully when I think of this topic I think of all the girls overseas who are being taken from their homes. As Frundt explains this is not only my opinion; most people have the same thoughts and are in the blind that this happens so close to home too. Not everything is said out to be the way it really is.All the bliss and publicity that the â€Å"pimps† is point blank ridiculous. â€Å"Young people use â€Å"pimp† in everyday conversation: â€Å"my ride is pimped out,† â€Å"your clothes are pimping. † They do not understand the reality behind the term. (Frundt)† This is a subliminal message about Sex Trafficking, the word is so powerful that it is misused and now taken for what it really is. Sex trafficking victims live in a cold, heartless, mistreated, and world full of violence. Raped and beat on the daily bases is only the least of these victims’ worries.Finding a way to e scape and lead a different life is the biggest and hardest goal to acquire. How are these victims found if they aren’t ever missed of even looked for? A promise for a better life, a good job and a new start is how many people end up in these types of situations. Having such a personal intake of Sex Trafficking, Frundt’s article is an essential piece that I find necessary to write about in my research. Unlike Frundt who shares a very particular share in Sex Trafficking, Brenda Zurita speaks from a point where anyone can understand more broadly.When the demand for prostituted people exceeds the available supply, women, children and sometimes men are trafficked in to meet the demand (Zurita). Children and women are usually the two that are easier to manipulate by letting them know what they want to hear. Often they are showered with gifts and affection that leave them wanting more. Than to keep an even tighter leash threatening comes to play, captors threaten their lives and the lives of their families. Which often leave victims to scared to leave to keep their families safe.The US government opposes prostitution for the reason that it is dehumanizing and harmful for people. Sex trafficking is what should be the center of focus. Trying to stop something that is known today, as â€Å"Modern Day Slavery† cannot just be stopped all together. In this case, and at the time former president George W. Bush stated that work in this field is not legitimate and should be not tolerated for humans of any sort. By legalizing we are creating a safer environment for those who chose this way of life.Traffickers often beat, humiliate, and torture their victims and can ultimately lead to murder. Pimps and traffickers, in order to make a profit, cater to their customer’s desires and supply prostituted people to fulfill their fantasies (Zurita). The legalization of Prostitution reduced the need for Sex Traffickers. Bruce Kennedy is all for the legalizatio n of prostitution, in my opinion it provides an economical relief. From the time that I can remember the US has been struggling with money. By legalizing this it brings in an outstanding 18 billion in taxable income from the sex industry.Although crime rates seem to stay the same, legalizing creates a better environment for those women who choose this life style. It brings better working conditions and makes it safer by not having pimps abuse their â€Å"hoes. † The challenge that seems to be faced is all the crime that would still happen. Technically pimps watch over their girls and make sure the guys they leave with are safe and will return the girls back accordingly. Without this it is expected that more kidnappings and murders are to be committed.A nights earning is expected to be around 500$ a night which attracts the criminal industry. The message and the information that I acquired from (Frundt), (Zurita, 2013) and (Kennedy, 2012) are essential to creating a strong res earch paper. They are all statistically inclined and include different examples of different situations that will help me outline my paper. Since Frundt’s article is the strongest of the three I plan on strategically planning out her experiences in a way that will coherently compare it to the others.Being a woman, myself I feel like I have a stronger connection with my topic because I could be categorized as well as other girls my age in the range how the Pimps choose their girls. I could not imagine myself in the position that hundreds of girls find themselves everyday. Spreading awareness on the topic is the way people are going to be more involved with the stop of Sex Trafficking. How is something going to be stopped if its only been advertised as a good thing, when in true reality it is the complete opposite. References Frundt, T. (n. d. ).Enslaved in America: Sex trafficking in the United States. WFN, Retrieved from http://www. womensfundingnetwork. org/resource/past-art icles/enslaved-in-america-sex-trafficking-in-the-united-states Kennedy, B. (2010). Would legalizing prostitution help the us economy?. Retrieved from http://money. msn. com/now/post. aspx? post=49c1f746-9b02-4ba4-a60f-67d3ccc1a6b5 Zurita, B. (2012). Legalization or harm reduction of prostitution and sexual trafficking. Retrieved from http://www. cwfa. org/articledisplay. asp? id=12632&department=BLI&categoryid=dotcommentary

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Global Warming And Its Effects On The World Essay - 919 Words

The world has many years existing in this galaxy and every day we see that is changing more and more but not in a very good way that it can end in the extinction of the planet earth. â€Å"Earth Hasn’t Heated Up This Fast Since the Dinosaurs’ End† (Lavelle). Carbon is growing so fast in the atmosphere faster than in the past 66 million years since the dinosaurs went extinct (Lavelle). All the presidents hold a position of power that could change this big problem that the planet is having, behind this problem there is other problems that are causing a much bigger problem in all the country. â€Å"By year 2100, the average temperature will rise by 5.8 degrees as a result of global warming. The Arctic ice is melting rapidly. By 2040 the region is expected to have a completely ice-free summer, or even earlier. Since 1880, the average temperature has risen by 1.4-Fahrenheit degrees† (Rinkesh). Humans are the one in power of this planet, they are often making so me decisions, but they do not know if that is going to hurt the planet. Also, is because humans are selfish. These decisions often include manipulating the system of other country, how they work, what products they can make, how to get benefit from that country, and etc. Also, taking control and/ or credit over other countries work. Some countries are taking very serious the Global Warming problem, so the other countries want a prove of how are they helping to fix this problem. Many countries have agreements with other countries thatShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1235 Words   |  5 PagesThey may not be feeling the effects of global warming at the moment, but in time it will become a more widespread issue. The effects of global warming are hard to refute, and there is endless evidence of this growing problem in our world today. The continuation of global warming is a serious threat to everyone and everything on Earth. Global warming has been a problem for over a hundred years, and it continues to grow every day. The first evidence of global warming was discovered in 1859 by JohnRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World868 Words   |  4 PagesDisputed Global Warming Affects Global Warming is in the minds of critical thinkers and scientist as well as the Industrial World. In this paper, we will look at man-made causes of Global Warming, and natural causes in Global Warming Affects. The man- made cause would be (GHC) which abbreviates to greenhouse gases and the chemical (SO2) represents sulfur dioxide from cars and Industry. The natural cause in the climate would direct more to a cooler climate. The Global Warming remains,augmented thatRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1025 Words   |  5 PagesJacob Keirns Persuasive Paper Miss Beverly March 22, 2016 Global Warming â€Å"Some men aren t looking for anything logical, like money. They can t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.† -Christopher Nolan The late nineteenth century was a time of immense discovery, particularly in the world of science. First theorized in the 1890s, the idea of global warming has been around for just over 100 years, despite it’s relatively recent gain in tractionRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1575 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming has become a major issue in the world today. Not only are humans being affected, but many species and organisms are as well. Naturally, the Earth experiences heating and cooling cycles, and has over time. The ice age is a great example of a cooling cycle that was rather extreme. Since the industrial revolution, the amount of greenhouse gases has increased and built up in the atmosphere over time (Weart, 2015). The climate changes are being caused by the heat that is trapped in theRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1267 Words   |  6 Pages Over the course of the years global warming has become a threatening issue that scientists and the government have been cognizant about. Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate. The earth periodically warms up and cools down. The Earth is currently going through a warming trend that coincides with the industrial revolution. ThisRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1185 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Greenhouse Gasses Global Warming has been devastating the earth and economy for the last twenty-five years. Greenhouse gasses developed from the production of chemicals such as R-22, oil, and factories have destroyed ozone and ecosystems for the last hundred years. Carbon dioxide is produced naturally and absorbed by plants and animals, but, too much, and it is deadly. With the increase in automobiles and production, the world government has begun to address the issue of greenhouseRead MoreEffects Of Global Warming On The World Essay1816 Words   |  8 PagesDiseases, war, etc... Those are major concerns of this world, and climate change is always a hot issue given to debate. It s not just a matter of a single country, but it’s a problem of the whole human race. Humanity is facing the risk of extinction. The impact of environmental pollution leads to climate change and natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. Those disasters are caused by the impact of humans to nature, such as deforestation, ecological imbalance, and use of chemicalsRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effect On The World1036 Words   |  5 Pagesdefinition of Global warming is; a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. Global warming is a very big issue that is slowly affecting the whole world. Climate change has been studied since the early 1970’s, and scientist of many different fields are agreeing that global warming’s effects are increasing at a rapid pace. Global Warming was notRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1823 Words   |  8 PagesGlobal warming is called by some as a threat to all people on all nations while others disregard it as another publicity stunt by the media. Research tends to indicate that humans have caused most of the past century s warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives. The result is global warming with the weather patterns shifting and glaciers melting, the world we know today is slowly dissipating as these changes bring about dramatic consequences for all on the planet includingRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1240 Words   |  5 PagesIn truth, before taking this class I never really cared about the environment, sure I would hear the occasional uproar about the effects of global warming or the growing hole in the ozone layer, however, it was always a non-factor. My passion has always been humans, their problems were my problems and I am always looking for a way to make their lives better. So, the planet may have been dying the ice caps may have been melting, however I always believed that one day humans would solve the problems